Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Have You Heard This Man Called Spose?

The road to work today , was littered with shining metal carpets of shimmering steel and very sad profiles...sweating.I had those blue, Thursday thoughts of ,
This is our lot in life , We the children of the '70's and '80's who have 'put in fight' ,struggled through the snobby class divisions of high school, the alienation of college and the 'hunt and kill' predispositions of post graduate institutions. Are still suffering .......
Oh The ignominy of alienation from our jobs and lives......and just when u thought it could get no worse. WHAT PLAYS ON THE RADIO?
This strange song from a man called Spose ..yes it is an actual name , called,' I am awesome.'!

Our man Spose is popular, Radio Indigo play his songs all the time...Spose sets a new standard to 'music I dont understand' and makes me certain that there are far worse things happening to the youth of today than the bad punk haircuts and squishy pop lyrics we suffered from.
I am sure you don't understand Spose, even though if you are living in a metro , chances are you have not escaped him.
Every generation should be given a chance to be understood ,
And this is why I present to you a humanistic appreciation of the song which is topping all charts.....

The song , as stated above is titled ' I am awesome!' and then it goes down to recounting all the reasons why the subject in particular, is not .
Spose points out very passionately that
a)He does not have a car, he drives his mum's!
(This may be a recession backlash, and Obama is not the Messiah!)

b)He smells like cat piss, or rather his home aroma does!
(Where is his mother? For God's sake ,why hasn't she done something about it?
Letting your home and children smell, says something about your domestic abilities surely, and worse letting your children sing about it, where is her motherly ire?)

c)He has met all his friends online !
( Note, this is a cry for help , personally i think he does not have any friends, because he smells, i.e point b) above)

d)He runs away from brawls.
( So his mum did teach him something sensible i say , no use getting hurt because someone else is a sociopath)

e)He also apparently talks to himself on his Facebook Wall!
(This is of course is not a sign of dysfunctional life, because we are all living our lives only for Facebook aren't we? We pose at vacations, write blogs and play love games with each other on FB.
This just states that Spose is not abnormal , or that we are all cuckoo!
Whichever rocks your boat!)

f)Spose is also scared that he has little biceps and is getting fatter around the middle!
(Ha! what does he know, he thinks he has problems, I am all middle as are many of my friends, Come on pal..Hit The '30's and u will know what flab angst is!)

g)Young Spose or not so young Spose , I think he mentions somewhere that he is 25 , sadly bemoans the fact that he repulses girls,
(That is not such a big deal, I say, i remember i got repulsed once because someone gifted me plastic pink earrings with golden balls,so girls get repulsed by almost anything in their '20's's a duty!)

h)After reiterating his bad, mad stinky persona , Spose claims that he will never date an actress because he has back zits!
( Right ! if a man has back zits, you can be sure his face looks like the moon, lots of craters and quite marked, but what i say is , there are women in the world , who don't care about zits, as long as they don't mark your wallet, Young Spose needs to know that !
Spose you can date anyone you want, if you clean up, read popular fiction for conversation starters , rob a bank or join the mafia , whichever opportunity comes knocking first. Find The Money , Honey!, and the zits will dissapear, there are no UGLY RICH MEN.)

i)By the way, before i forget to mention it, Spose has very decided metro sexual leanings, since there is an entire paragraph of him whining about his ass having hair like Jumanji, grief has been expressed about his brow being un-plucked, and with great poetic justice he balances these metro sexual leanings with the angst of not being a stud , as he expresses concern about the size of his weeny!
( Well! what i cant really understand, is why he blames his mum , dad and Aunt Steve for being unkempt, notice the play on Aunt Steve, IS SHE Transsexual ?Was she responsible for making him wear those butt showing pants before they got stylish, What was her influence on young Spose to make him tun out this way, this will take another blog...)

j)Finally Spose agrees that the lyrics of ' Iam Awesome' are very bad , because normally he would have purchased his lyrics from the internet, but this time he let his younger sister write it.
( HMMM! Maybe Aunt Steve has cut his monthly allowance for services undelivered.
I am convinced, Spose and his poor sister do not have parents, because even ' Bad Mamas' would not tolerate daughters who interspersed their creative writing with words like m***fu**r spread randomly across verses as though they were commas, ...or a full stops.)

To Sum Up, Please be aware that when your kid goes around singing ,'I am Awesome , I am Awesome, ' the time has not come to pat yourself on the back and think your doing a great job of positive reinforcement.
Remember how hard you got whacked by your parents, when you danced around in the '80's ,' singing George Michael's,' I want your Sex Baby,' ...
Well, go grab that slipper and don't spare that butt..before Kiran goes changing her name to Kamatose !

Someone has got to run the labour markets for tomorrow ...and if our kids are growing up believing in Spose spouting,' My attitude is sour , but my futon is sweet.'...
we have a whole new crisis to look forward to,' The Recession Of The Mind.'