Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Single In The Head

A couple of days back ,Bobby Mc Gee , while singing The Blues with her pink bandanna, shared a new action phrase with me ,' SITH' or ' Single In The Head.'
It was a zany phrase , but as Pritha said , ' I just cant Wrap My Head Around It.'
So I began an exploration of sorts with SITH : A Case Study!
SITH-Is it just one of those American phrases which roll out smartly on our 'Getting There' tongues or does it actually connote, denote something more real?
When in doubt , ask God , and if the Holy Book is evasive about it and says fluffy things like:“Everything is possible for him who believes.” (Mark 9:23) and follows that up with a warning not to spend time writing about existential angst in office with-
“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”...........then the pilgrim must Googleth........ and for once Google was dumbstruck!
This is not a common event and it made me question the 13th commandment of modern history- The 0-1 logic must always work.
So when our second God, Google threw up ,'Single Head Embroidery Machines,' following by 'Head Of Household Filing Status,' in answer to SITH,we turned to our community , also called Facebook and posted ,' What is SITH?'
Everyone must have been playing 'Which element are you?' because only 3 people answered.
The feedback was vague and aimed to displease. Comments ranged from ' Hmm,Interesting' to 'Never Too Late' which might mean anything from ,
' You have made wasting time into a fine art form ' to 'Don't fret , Your not that ugly.'

The Face to Face Friends did a little BIT better -One Man About Town told me that,SITH meant, 'Being able to really roll the dice and play roulette with the women.'
Another friend recuperating from a bad viral bout (who is generally feeling that the adequate amount of TLC that she deserves is not being rendered upon her and she is already being asked to take up household tasks like , changing curtains, & putting clothes into the wash) cocked open a half closed eye and murmured,' Doesn't SITH just mean , being selfish?'
To understand what SITH means, I ask myself what does it imply?What are the perks of being SITH?
Simply , SITH is a spin off of the Descartes complex. 'I think , therefore I am' and in today's world this means,' The Only Rules I Live By Are My Own.'
I may belong to different social units, like a family, or an enterprise or the My Sofa Ur Sofa Club. I may play the roles of being a mother, a girl friend, a lover, a child..but i don't like to negotiate any of the rules which comes with the roles , deal with any of the expectations which come with the privileges of belonging to that unit.

Isn't SITH just another symbol of the virtual world which we have embraced?
When was the last time you had to actually invest emotions in a virtual acquaintance, isn't a virtual buddy just a click of acceptance on a sponsored page. ...?
If you want to be SITH you better like your own company a whole lot more than anyone else, because YOU CANT BE 'Single In The Head' when you are happy & 'Social In The Head' when the chips are down.....After a lot of thought i agree with my virulently viral friend-
Self Centered & Selfish that's what SITH was called when we were young..a time when women who are now known as accommodating were called loose :)