Friday, January 3, 2014

The Isle Of Skye

The Isle Of Skye

Broken pancakes of islands on a sparkling, sunlight sea
Cradling a little white church, the winding road rides
from Mallagh to Skye,
Light headed from excitement and salt air,
We set sail for Black Pudding Island
Skye, a Renoir painting of orange skies, purple land, virulent yellow and pink sheep
A hidden beach, 2 men kayaking, one goes bottom up
I sit on a broken stone wall, hair blowing in the wind
Tummies tucked in, I feel glamorous
The lens discovers two purple penguins flapping
The zoom finds twins in identical jackets
Brown haired babies, picking pebbles on a stony white beach.
Anne’s blue Clock Glass House, nestled in a cliff
With the softest feathered beds in the world
Hot scones for tea with 20 kinds of home-made jam
4 girls baying at a red moon at the witching hour
Fresh lobsters at The Schoolyard, with a bit of melting butter and parsley,
And then our journey to the end of the world..
Where the cliff broke into ridges and the ridges leaped into the Pacific
And we leant against ancient rocks, bathing in the pink of a setting sun
I hummed a tune and wrote a picture postcard to my “bluest self”,

Explaining to her why it was all worth it , this business of living .

In A New York Minute

The curtain unfurls and the musical begins,
The underground roars kaboom, kaboom
Costumes and masks weave their way through hurtling yellow trains
Beaded knots and broken hearts, brief-cases and painted-over easels
I-phones and straightened hair, accents melting into impromptu conversations
The stage clears…
An ice-cream truck parked in the middle of Central Park
Shorts, shades and picnics,
The resilient joggers run to a fitness trainer
On a tv show, who keeps time, kaboom, kaboom
That noise again. The ghostly steel scrapers of power
Silently dance on a still pond covered in fall colours
A pair of lovers lean against an iron railing locked in an endless embrace 
kissing little crevices and moles on arms and legs
Chinese dolls with weathered hands and my grandmother’s silver hair
Bargain with many camera’d tourists
A few coins drop into a pool, a few into a guitar case, a few in a slot machine
The stage clears … that sound again, kaboom , kaboom
A Show within a show, The Rock Of Ages- plays tribute
To that great 80’s notion called the lust for life and then
A recently found old friend in a jalapeno cocktail pitcher
As the naked man strums his guitar, kissing mid-western tourists @Times Square
The stage clears and a ballerina dances across an old museum
She is a dream, she is sculpted, she is a billboard, she is the muse, she is art
Donated by merchants and bankers, a tear kisses a damask cheek and says
Here he is with his lilies and his yellows and his blue leaves and then
Right next to him that terrifying silent scream
The stage spins around, an old musty basement in a bottle of jazz,
A trickle of happiness running down a frosted glass of whiskied laughter
Fingers wrapped around melted artichoke pizza,
The comedian insults four Indian girls into a little corner
While an Ethiopian beauty rescues them with mulled wine
and her infinite black eyes
The Stage of New York welcomes actors from across the world
To play themselves in the unfolding drama of a city

whose underground roars Kaboom , kaboom