Friday, September 21, 2012

The East Of Eden and my love for Steinbeck

Once upon a time, a silvery old man, on a hard wooden chair, nursing an unlit smoky pipe introduced me to a moth eaten, hard bound Reader’s Digest version of Steinbeck’s “East Of Eden”. He was my grandfather and I was eight, an age when you grasp only absolutes. The “wise Chinese houseman Lee” the dreamer inventor “Samuel Hamilton” and the “murderess Cathy” left an indelible impression on my still untarnished soul. But my eight year old memory buried the book under a pile of Neville Chute and James Herriot imagery. My only memory of the narrative was the half –dreamt “Cathy”,  a character who had shocked and  threatened to end the beliefs securing my childhood .
As I grew up, every once in a while, I dived into musty bookshops crammed to the gills , and started hunting, randomly reading paras from old books , desperately seeking  the name, the author, the unapologetic evil Cathy who burnt her parents, slept with her husband’s brother, delivered twins silently like a cat , abandoned them , killed the town’s Madam , usurped the town’s whorehouse , introduced S & M practices to pep up the place and built a “Reputation” in the same town  where her children and husband lived.  Stenibeck’s Cathy could bring Emily Bronte’s Cathy of Wuthering Heights fame to her knees. The latter may have tormented Heathcliff , been free-spirited, beautiful, spiteful, arrogant and childish but she could never fall to the depth’s of naked evil that Steinbeck’s Cathy could.
In the book, Sam Hamilton says, “I believe there are monsters born in the world to human parents. To a monster, the norm must seem monstrous, since everyone is normal to himself. To a man born without a conscience, a soul-stricken man must seem ridiculous. To a criminal, honesty is foolish”. To mark my bad luck, before I rediscovered the book, I found Cathy, twice. There is such a thing as pure twisted evil.  Feeding on the young, the warm, the weak and the good there are wretches in this universe who consume their victims, unleashing torture, madness, death, breeding hatred and in spite of it all sleeping fitfully, living , thriving, bursting with health . You must have seen them too.
And then one day, a year back, possibly  two decades after my original encounter, in an apple orchard in Raison, Kulu, surrounded by sheets of rain, I found it. The East Of Eden by John Steinbeck rested in an old walnut cupboard, beside a creaky wooden stair case, in a faded jacket cover. I couldn’t finish the book even though , I read through most nights. Though the rain poured steadily, there was too much laughter in the storm. The days were spent jumping mountains, cooking , singing, teasing and loving  my wealth of friends’ who were on holiday with me.
But the book possessed me. When I got back to Bangalore, I took a sabbatical and read as much of Steinbeck as I could …. till I was forced to work again.  East Of Eden, Grapes of Wrath, Sweet Thursday, Travels with Charlie, The Cup Of Gold, Log From The Sea Of Cortez. He gets it, the grittiness of human emotion, the way life often packs a double punch when you are down, and yet somewhere in the lost causes , out in the distance there lies some hope, as unreal as the “The Cup Of Gold”  and as real as the truth spun from those who claim to have seen it.
One day soon, I shall go to Salinas and like the good Catholics do outside the Pope’s Roman verandah, I shall kneel and kiss the grounds outside Steinbeck’s house. I will show obeisance to the man who used the simplest of words to spin one of the greatest tales in the world. A man who said,  “When a man comes to die, no matter what his talents and influences and genius, if he dies unloved, his life must be a failure to him and his dying a cold horror. It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure to the world.” 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Who' s The Mature Grown Up Now?

In theatre practice two days back, my friend Stephen and I were trying to fix a meeting for Saturday night. The " young ones" came down on us heavily , saying -NO NO, Saturday is Party Night, and surprisingly       " The Golden Oldies" echoed their sentiments. Apparently the only two people who belonged to Loserville and wanted to spend their Saturday Night," Play Reading" was the Middle Aged , 30+ idiots.

The middle ages have crept upon us slowly. First it slowed down our thirst for free alcohol, then tightened up the jeans of our youth, then made sleep a necessity not a hangover effect and finally produced  entire generations of younger people who had wispier goatees, dirtier clothes , newer pulp faiths .Before we knew it , we had turned into Hicksville ,our music started playing in the " Classic " slots and " Our Gods" started dying on us.Another more serious sign of middle age is the " changing relationship" which we have with our parents. Suddenly, you become the " mature- sensible " one. Let me share a few examples:
  1. G's Dad is convinced that he is going to win the Reader's Digest Sweepstakes! He has been at it for 3 years, bought more encyclopedia's , plants, bric-a-brac, medicines, foot massage chairs than his family would care to account for. Entire rooms in the house have been sacrificed to the junk that Reader's Digest sends him, at  bargain prices of  Rs XXXXX ONLY! The man who used to rule entire mining colonies with an iron fist has now capsized to the lure of one of the biggest cons in history!
  2. S & D's Dad has transformed from a "Chilled Dad" to a "Worrier". A father who had taught his daughters the pleasures of travelling ,being bohemian, and " getting comfortable with a nice book"......doesn't even let the poor things sit down anymore. He pursues them with long "to do " lists of what must be done immediately, and what must be done, 5 Min's from "immediately". If he so much as sees one of them lowering half a butt into the sofa, the sulks break loose!
  3. Then of course, there are the " muzzers" My mother for example, has spent the entire year changing her mind about where she wants to retire. When she is in city A , she is sure that City B would suit her better. As soon as she lands in City B, she wants to go back to City A, from the airport , if possible. Then someone enlightens her about the pleasures of City C , and she believes them! I predict , a lot of furniture getting misplaced or damaged en route.This from a woman who was so sure of her mind, that she used to be called " The Queen Of Stubborn"!
  4. L's mother is mortified with her workaholic daughter. then taking a step back.This lovely lady,  through school and college banned her daughter from meeting, mating, or even speaking to any sort of male form. No college trips were permitted, for fear of compromise. The highlights of poor L's then social calendar were CPA exams, CA exams., MCOM exams etc. Now that poor L is building her home independently and climbing the corporate ladder of success, her mater inquires of her twice a week, on " Why she has not gotten herself a  husband, or even a boyfriend yet? ", proclaiming great shock over her daughter's state!
Welll, ....Who' s The Mature , Grown Up Now? 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Side of Emu !

Life can be a laugh riot!

A snippet from my Monthly Dose: Our grocery store has started stocking emu meat. There is a refrigerator full of emu sausages, emu curry cuts , emu kebabs – a Sunday kitchen of emu . The first time this refrigerator came in, I saw the owner proudly lounging by the spring banner which displayed happy emu birds with cartoon bubbles emerging from their beaks. In rhyme, they informed the customer about ‘how jolly it was to be organic red meat’.  Always ready for a chat, I seized the moment and got into a long discussion with the man about ‘who was buying the meat’, ‘how much had he invested, ‘the benefits, features , advantages’…. and I took a pamphlet home.
After three weeks I went back to the shop. To the naked eye it seemed that nothing had moved but the lounging owner assured me that he had already sold 25 kgs of Emu and had requested for more. I broke into a sweat. I imagined all my favorite neighborhood restaurants, buying the meat at half price and serving it to me as chicken, lamb, or beef.  I waited for the man to move and then I delved into the refrigerator. I did my own check and smiled in satisfaction- not a piece had moved!
The poor man , may have lost some money, but his pride was intact. It has now become our monthly ritual. I buy my veggies, stock up on my meat/fish and bounce along to have the ‘emu conversation.’ We play this little game of hide & seek, he ducks, I chase. Across grocery aisles, Behind the Fish, Between the Bananas and the Litchi cluster-sometimes I catch him, and sometimes he leaves the shop! The flow of emus has both of us living a lie. It is my belief that we have warmed to the charade, him pretending that everyone prefers emu and it is the wisest choice that he has made in a long time and me firmly inspecting the refrigerator content , to check the outflow.  To stir things up a bit, I have googled information about emu farming and I am waiting for my next weekly visit to exchange information.

Snippets from My Daily Dose:
On the route to office, there is a ‘Multi-Cushion Restaurant’ which conjures up pictures of ‘Happy Bottoms’
There is also that Remote IT Helpdesk Boy whose status message reads,’ Love me when I am down because that’s when I need you the most.’ Imaging the CEO of the company, asking him for help!         There is of course the building manager who distributes pamphlets like,
'Dropping rubbish from windows may be fetal to Passers On.’
But the funniest of them all, are the Thumping Sunday Believers from the corner AG Church, who go into paroxysms of Hallelujah, accompanied by Jumps and Shivers, 5 minutes into the service. It is their belief that this is the time the sacred Holy Spirit enters them. My Nana would call them ‘devil worshippers.’  I however feel that the poor souls are just acting out. Having grown up on a diet of Shivaji-The Bose(as they say in our part of the Vindhyas), they see the church as a stage and themselves as supporting artists in a gang-war shot!

A Snippet from My Last Holiday:
But the funniest thing which I have heard in some time was in the heart of Munnar. An excitable Bengalee Ledeej, asked the hotel manager, in her loudest Hindi –for all to hear.
‘Whaaat is there in this jongol, you are taking us to, tomorrow, leopards hai, Tigerrrs hai, Elephaaants- how many?’
The man, in his dusky drawl replied calmly,’ Maydum there is Gaaaaaad.’
Maydum had not expected this repartee and said in a shocked and trembling voice,
'Tomorrow you will take me to see God’!
To which the man said ‘ Yes, Gaaaaaaad is in the jongeel’ .
The Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, near the town of Munnar is famous for the Niligiri Tar, or the Nilgiri Goooat!... Next time you think life isn’t hilarious, call me !

Monday, June 4, 2012

Five Years

I knew a man who wasn’t scared to laugh or cry or ask for comfort
I knew a man who never ran away from giving of himself
I knew a man who always believed in living for the moment and for his dreams
I knew a man who was a traveler, never finding the home he was looking for.
I knew a man who loved the business of living …
Who was just a man, not a good man, not a great man
But  a man who could love and whom you could love very easily!
But he died five years ago
 and so I started walking his road…Being
The woman who is never scared to laugh or cry or ask for comfort
Who never runs away from giving of herself  
Who lives her dreams in every moment
Who travels with her home in her heart
A woman who enjoys the business of living , A woman, who is just a woman,
Not a good woman, not a great woman but a woman who can love just as easily!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Dramatic broken skies of picture post card quality. …And the rains are here again. There is a huge nude outside my office window. It is a bare tree with a thousand scorched arms.  As twilight is cut short, lightening darts streak across the sky, stopping short , curling, tangoing , following the wind tunnel around the tree. The sound of a fresh shower unsettles the evening calm . Washed by pleasant memories of well spent drenched hours, I sit and gaze into nothingness while the data crunchers around me dial it down. Hunched over laptops, body orifices plugged with gizmos, they shamble off to re-fill their coffee cups ….and discuss the difficult question of ‘How to negotiate the home bound traffic .’ And that’s where the romance ends. The best way to understand the innate competitiveness of the human spirit is to drive down a blocked, water logged, inner city road.

The Terrorist; Owner of The Truck: I own the bloody road. Being huge means that I can come and go as I please and anyone who wants to curtail my timings, will get a swollen lip and an abused mother. I will hog the middle of the road, get stuck in it, if I so wish and bring slow traffic to a complete halt. That is the only way I will get people to respect my girth, and beware of the terror that I can unleash.

The Suicide Bomber; Owner of The Motorcycle: I am wily and weak. Hence I will weave in and out of every available gap, change lanes as much as possible, scowl at and terrorize the cretin who drives on 4 wheels. I will also pretend that everyone is out to kill me while I go and block their ‘right of way’ and gently graze against them, leaving streaks of torn paint in my wake.

The Schizophrenic; Owner of The Auto-Rickshaw: I believe I am a truck. I will therefore behave like one. I will also hog the middle of the road, and splash my passengers and other cars alike. I will physically spit in the direction of anyone who nears me and suddenly stick my leg out to support and push all fellow autos who get stuck on the road. I will sometimes get amnesia and forget I am a truck and behave like a motorcycle weaving my way in and out of lanes while balancing the other auto with my leg.

The Passive-Aggressive; Owner of The SUV: I will treat the waterlogged road like I am on a hunt in the jungle.  I have paid a lot of money to pretend I am a macho maaaan and have a higher sperm count than anyone else. The salesman has sold me the divine right to try and mow down anyone who comes in front of me, failing which I will throw a tantrum and just block all the parts of the road which have been left available by trucks and auto rickshaws.

The Manic Depressive; Owner of the small car: Here I am and here I will be for the next three hours. The world has it against me. The only day that I am able to get out of office early, I get stuck in this god forsaken mess. If the water level rises, it may get into the engine. Then I will have to get out and push, while I am roundly abused by the world. I am going to curl up in my seat, hit out viciously at mosquitoes and listen to my ‘rainy weather compilation of 125 soul washed songs all beginning with ‘ Bheegi Bheegi.’

The Over Compensated Egoist; Owner of the Large Sedan :  I am going to yaaak yaakkk yaaaak on the phone , crib crib crib about the traffic and the ‘Naaaarth indians’ who are obviously the root cause of every problem in Bangalore. I will intermittently scowl at the driver in a half-hearted attempt to lay the blame at his door. I will be unable to play golf tomorrow and hence sack a few employees to feel better about myself again.

Dramatic broken skies of picture post card quality. …And the rains are here again.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A singleton's challenges with houses and babies

Have you noticed that as soon as you step into your '30s , the significant village elder finds his or her way to your doorstep. Then he/she looks at your tummy and your rented digs reprovingly, does the head wag much like a ' bewildered elephant with really floppy ears' and volubly goes 'tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock'.
This kind of 'tick-tocking' sends most happy couples  into a fit of life-changing frenzied pregnant mortgage.
But what of the singleton?

I am surrounded by people who make buying houses and popping twins , seem like an easy breezy thing to do. While i make detailed route maps of my next vacation, or get  really excited about this month's 'wine club' order catalog,..most of my couple friends are getting pregnant and going under the 'EMI' hammer.It gets worse in your mid thirties when they are already on their second mortgages and second children and your still 'thinking about it.'
My question is How Do They Do It?

I too keep trying to buy houses. I too set out , on fine Sunday mornings , sacrificing my regular jaunt to the second hand book store and attend marketing events organised by 'new age builders.' These events normally take place in huge vacant plots, populated with colorful canopies, multi-purpose cars and hassled parents.  I sit on masked plastic chairs with the 'drooling dreamers' and squint through animated presentations of 'Tropical, Italian, Moroccan, Affordable Paradises, right in the heart of the city, just 10 Min's  away from everything which matters.'

But , how do you commit to spending the rest of your life with a bunch of  'mine is a bigger than yours' strangers? How do you commit to 1200/2100/or 3000 sq feet tucked between similar other 'carpet areas' for the rest of your life? How do you sign up to sharing germs and other effluents with your neighbor's children in the common pool? It seems like an end , and i don't want to give up on myself so fast.
I keep thinking , I can do better than that. The truth is, 'nothing you want is affordable.' The houses which beckon to me are never in my budget. The hovels which i can afford, just wont do. My councilwomen  have advised me to just invest for investments sake, but i don't agree. To think that i would deprive myself of a much needed vacation because of 'some 1200 sq feet' of brick and mortar which i don't ever want to live in , does not add up.

Similarly babies: I went to the gynecologist for my yearly appointment and she started 'tick-tocking' me from the word go. Not convinced with my carefree singleton status , she wanted to weigh me down with possibility. The absence of fertile sperm bearing partners in my life, did not seem to deter her one bit. All she wanted was to turn my Rs 300 for 10 minute session into a year of fertility jabs, donor eggs and IVF's.
I kept trying to convince her that i did not want to join the dance, but like a strict housemistress who stands guard by the prom door,she would not take no for an answer. She offered me a range of fiercely potent sperm all artificially seasoned to produce the best swimmers possible. I pointed out that I might be an unfit parent, since i worked all the time and had no support structure. She pointed me to Japa Maids . For the uninitiated ,' Japa is is a traditional way to look after a neonatal baby and mother so that both parties remain alive.' Japa maids cost Rs 900 per day. ha ha ha-evil laughter ( Read Contract Form) and so the finger pointing continued.

We 'Highway On My Plate' 30 + singletons are facing some severe challenges. True we don't have to battle with the pressure of in-laws and double mortgages, but what with the fall of morality and no one going ' chee chee' over single parents anymore, we are on our way to getting trapped by all the ' responsible symbols of middle age which we have tried so hard to avoid' - Ghar, Bachha aur EMI ka Kharcha.

So here my cry , fellow middle aged singletons-rally around
As, Bill Pullman says in   'Independance Day'-
We will not go quietly into the night! ( Read-We will, as they say in the South Of India- Make Purty till Don ) 
We will not vanish without a fight! (Read - into little cubic cms of block flats) 
We're going to live on!( Read-Travel The World, drink champagne in shoes, and not cry about salary packages)
Today we celebrate our Independence Day - (Read- We have just this one life and since no one gets to go to heaven with a mortgaged flat .. kindly excuse us from participating in social trauma traps)

Enjoy Maadi :)